Please can you help? Reward Offered


We've been delighted with how dogs and their owners are taking to Pro Pac, but we'd love to reach more people.

So that's why we're asking you a favour…… with a reward……We're asking if you will please spread the word by doing the following - and in return we'll put you in the draw to win a box of Pro Pac goodies (worth $100.00).
Please do the following now:
  1. Go to our Facebook page by clicking this link: click here
    ( If you aren't already logged in to your Facebook account do so after you click the link above)
  2. Click the Like button at the top.
  3. Write a comment about why you like Pro Pac.
  4. Click on the Share button.
We will select the best comment placed before June 15 and award the prize!

Thanks for helping us spread the word.

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